5 Effective Anxiety Treatment Options In OC, California

Even normal activities can become difficult when you are going through a tough phase in your life. The most problematic part of such a phase is not realizing it is a problem.

You might be wondering if there is a specific reason for it. In all honesty, there can be several reasons, but anxiety is the one that is commonly found in people.

Anxiety is a phenomenon that can lead to excessive worry and fear in an individual, hindering their daily lives. If you feel too lethargic even while you are not doing anything taxing, it can be a sign of anxiety.

You can feel such emotion in several forms, like social anxiety, panic attacks, and other phobias. This issue can lead to a severe decline in mental and physical health, so treating it is a necessity.

So, if you reside in Orange County, California, you have different treatment options available. Let’s examine them.

 1. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

It is common for an adult to experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. According to a report by Orange County Health Care Agency, excessive fear is one of the warning signs of mental illness.

For example, a person having a past of being bullied can make him underconfident and cause anxiety. So, a person’s internal trauma can adversely affect their thoughts and emotions. For this reason, the person should be able to accept and deal with their trauma to prevent anxiety.

If you are someone who faces such an issue, then you should treat this condition effectively. There are many rehabilitation centers that provide one of the best anxiety treatment options in OC, California, with success rates.

Acceptance therapy is one such treatment that helps you value your feelings and physical sensations without judgment. In this treatment, you will be provided with a therapeutic setting.

Your treatment program will be based on your needs with clinical approaches like psychiatric evaluation, experimental activities, etc.

2. Solution-Focused Therapy

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An adult can feel increasingly anxious due to many reasons, such as the high economy, living expenses, and more. This can cause intense stress while coping with high living costs.

Did you know that the living expenses of a person living in Orange County, California, are 52% higher than the national average?

Therefore, it is important for you to find a way to prevent such anxiety so that you can continue with daily activities with ease. Focusing on your existing strengths is a way to make a positive change in life and reduce anxiety.

Solution-focused therapy helps you avoid delving deeply into your past problems and find solutions to current issues. Thus, it is a future-focused treatment that allows you to have an optimistic outlook on life.

In this treatment, the therapist makes you believe that you are in charge of your life and are capable enough to form a balanced well-being. This treatment will try to analyze your actions through a questionnaire and give you the needed support for desired outcomes.

It is a well-structured program to help you gain self-esteem and fight against stressful environments causing anxiety.

3. Somatic Experiencing

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If you want an evidence-based solution that targets the symptoms of anxiety, somatic experiencing can be a beneficial treatment. You can receive this treatment to feel energized as it promotes exercises that regulate your nervous system.

For example, grounding techniques like deep breathing, feeling the sensations on your feet, and more help to make you feel centered. During such exercises, you can release the stored energy related to emotions like anxiety causing discomfort.

Moreover, practicing these grounding exercises can be more effective in a natural setting. Crystall Cove State Park in Orange County, for instance, can be an appropriate location to restore your energy. Its open space and natural seashore can provide a peaceful environment for dealing with anxiety.

4. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

According to research, there has been an increase in psychological distress among people in California, resulting in severe depression.

If you are in a similar situation, you can overcome it by receiving the proper treatment of cognitive behavioral therapy. This treatment will help your mind to handle the overwhelming emotions.

It is a process that breaks down your thought process into smaller parts, which helps you be more rational. Therefore, your response to a scenario becomes sensible, proving the treatment effective.

5. Exposure Therapy

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Anxiety can trouble you with different types, and obsessive-compulsive disorder is one such type. If you experience OCD, you need a methodical approach to treat it.

Recent data revealed that 1.2% of US adults experience OCD each year. Exposure therapy is an approach that can solve this problem.

It is an organized treatment that includes roleplays with the objects or circumstances that you fear. For example, your therapist will make you sit through the roleplay to evaluate your tolerance level. According to your reaction, the duration of treatment can vary.

After some tries, you might feel a change and not feel too anxious as compared to before. You can continue with the treatment until you can tackle your fears without the therapist.


Your mental health is a matter of concern, and you should not ignore its needs. If you do not take this seriously, then it may lead to problems like panic disorders.

These panic disorders can cause anxiety-stress to rise at an increased rate and make you feel drained. So, you should treat these anxiety issues with specialized treatments.

It includes therapies like acceptance and commitment, solution-focused, and more. These therapies can make you feel more stable, safe, and optimistic when you are feeling anxious or afraid.

Hence, using such approaches can be healthy for your mental and physical state.

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Source url healthcareguys.com

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