New research from SOTI reveals increase in use of AI in UK healthcare sector and concern about data security

As the UK’s healthcare sector looks to artificial intelligence (AI) to support increased efficiencies, according to new research from SOTI, in a report titled Code Digital: Will Healthcare Thrive or Survive, appropriate security practices are still not in place. The report says data security is now the main IT concern for 33% of respondents, an increase from 17% in 2023, and 71% admit to their organisations experiencing one or more data breaches since 2022. 

The survey of 1,450 healthcare IT professionals across the U.S., Canada, Mexico, UK, Germany, France, Sweden, the Netherlands and Australia, uncovered the evolving landscape of healthcare technology adoption, the range of devices used, and the security risks and challenges.

According to SOTI, the persistence of legacy technology makes it difficult for healthcare workers to do their jobs efficiently and for IT infrastructure to be secure. Almost two thirds (63%) of global respondents believe their organisations are using outdated technology – this is a big increase from 46% in 2022. In the UK, the figure is at 65%.

The research also shows that the UK’s healthcare is losing an average of 3.27 hours per week, per employee, due to technical or system difficulties associated with poorly managed devices and IT infrastructure, up from 2.9 hours in 2023. More than (85%) of IT professionals estimate that employees now lose up to five hours per week, affecting the quality of patient care. 

Nearly all (90%) of those working in healthcare believe their organisations would benefit from more interconnected medical devices. This underscores another critical gap: despite the rapid growth in the volume and complexity of devices deployed in the sector, healthcare infrastructure and management processes have not kept pace. This diminishes the ability to leverage the potential of newer technologies and the data they contain.

Read more: Saving patients’ lives through simplifying IoT projects

Data security is a growing concern with 33% of UK Healthcare professionals now citing it as their primary worry, compared to the global average of 23%. This increased apprehension is mirrored by a rise in data-related incidents: over half of those surveyed (51%) reported external data breaches since 2022.

Additionally, both accidental and intentional data leaks by employees have stayed the same over the past three years, along with DDoS ransomware attacks. The survey results highlight the critical need for robust data protection measures and substantial investment in securing sensitive healthcare information. With SOTI’s research revealing a direct link between the use of legacy technology and escalating security issues. 

“Striking a balance between modernising with new technological advancements, such as AI, while also securing existing and older technologies is a challenge,” commented Stefan Spendrup, VP of Sales, Northern and Western Europe at SOTI. “The blend of innovations combined with incumbent legacy systems can cause issues with device deployment, integration and management – as well as related security protocols required. This in turn results in increased vulnerability to cyberattacks and as our research shows, also means staff spend too much time fixing IT issues instead of being able to prioritise patient care.”

“A reliable and efficient device management solution can deliver enhanced visibility, oversee devices used to offer patient care and significantly bolster device security, including the ability to remotely manage and shut down any devices or endpoints during a security breach. And the proper management of tech will also help our healthcare sectors to evolve and accommodate the latest advancements, including AI, with ease.”

SOTI’s latest report, Code Digital: Will Healthcare Thrive or Survive, can be downloaded here.

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SOTI,Digital Health,Data security,Oliver Johnson,report

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